13 Anterior open bite
Gerald is 11 years old. He presents with no contact of his incisor teeth (Fig. 13.1). Identify the cause(s) and discuss the treatment options.
What other features should you assess? Explain why
1 The swallowing pattern. Where there is a space between the upper and lower anterior teeth, swallowing is likely to be achieved by forward positioning of the tongue between the anterior teeth to achieve an oral seal. This is particularly so where the vertical facial proportions are increased as the likelihood of lip incompetence is greater. Although such behaviour of the tongue is in most cases adaptive, in rare instances an endogenous (primary) tongue thrust exists. It has been suggested that this is associated with lisping and some proclination of the upper and lower incisors. Any attempt in these cases to close the open bite is doomed to fail as the tongue will return the incisors to their original positions.
2 Speech. By asking Gerald to count from 60 to 70 aloud or to say ‘Mississippi’, the degree of sibilance (lisping) can be detected. The tongue position during speech should also be observed.
Gerald had a tongue to lower lip swallowing pattern and the lisp was deemed to be mild.