12: M


Drug Class:

Antibacterial, topical; antifungal, topical

Serious Reactions

Drug Class:

Antacid/aluminum/magnesium hydroxide

Drug Class:

Tetracyclic antidepressant

Serious Reactions

Dental Considerations

Drug Class:

Anthelmintic; carbamate

Drug Class:

Growth hormone

Drug Class:


Serious Reactions

Drug Class:

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

Serious Reactions

Dental Considerations


• Increased potential for adverse cardiovascular events in patients at risk for thromboembolism.

• Patients on chronic drug therapy may rarely have symptoms of blood dyscrasias, which can include infection, bleeding, and poor healing.

• Assess salivary flow as a factor in caries, periodontal disease, and candidiasis.

• Avoid prescribing for dental use in pregnancy.

• Avoid prescribing aspirin-containing products.

• Consider semisupine chair position for patients with rheumatic disease.

• Severe stomach bleeding may occur in patients who regularly use NSAIDs in recommended doses, when the patient is also taking another NSAID, a blood thinning, or steroid drug, if the patient has GI or peptic ulcer disease, if they are 60 yr or older, or when NSAIDs are taken longer than directed. Warn patients of the potential for severe stomach bleeding.

Drug Class:


Drug Class:

Antiinflammatory, steroidal, ophthalmic; corticosteroid, ophthalmic

Drug Class:

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

Serious Reactions

Drug Class:


Indications and Dosages

image Suppression of Malaria

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Jan 5, 2015 | Posted by in General Dentistry | Comments Off on 12: M

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